Revisiting with Greg at Open Loops
Greg and I go into a deeper dive about the information I have been sharing. There was an issue with me getting connected at first, but the conversation kicks in for sure.
Greg and I go into a deeper dive about the information I have been sharing. There was an issue with me getting connected at first, but the conversation kicks in for sure. Omar Faizi hosts Brad Olsen. Frank Jacob and myself for a chat on the topics of the day. This was my first time speaking with Frank. I enjoyed his perspective on things. Please share this video!
Rebecca Rose is a Multidimensional Energy Intuitive Seer & Channel. She is also a veteran of the Secret Space Program. I met her in person and found her to have a very positive energy. I enjoy her perspective on things and her conversations with me have been enlightening to say
I met Joan recently and we really just hit it off. We had a great conversation on how things may not be going as well as some folks may seem to think. Joan has a very open mind and was able to connect dots very fast. How do we make WTF Is Going On In Antarctica DOMS/CERN? In this talk session I am joined by Eric Hecker. We will be talking about DOMS/CERN on the white continent, we will also be discussing the white hats and the black hats. ✅Join the Watchers Light Army:… ✅Contributions are greatly appreciated:
Recently Ryder Lee of “Raised By Giants” started a new Rofkin channel. He was kind enough to have me on again. I always enjoy chatting with Ryder. He thinks outside of the box and is open to considering new ideas. Join in as we discuss the woes of the world
I was very happy to meet Laura Eisenhower at the Secret Space Conference in Grafton, Illinois. Honestly it was a big reason I went. I was able to show her lots of my items from Antarctica, including the photograph of the Pyramid. She was very busy at the event and After probably the longest wait I have had for an interview, which left ample time for the host and co-hosts to be informed, I had this debacle. Right before we went on air I was informed that they were friends of Lue Elizondo. They made a weird point about
– We’ll be going Live from a Strange Realm with Eric J Hecker to assist in unpacking and deciphering his experiences in this strange realm. As one of the few people in our strange little soul group who has actually been to Antarctica, Eric holds a unique perspective into the
Eric now resides in Alaska and has appeared in many TV Documentary Shows, most notably about Mysteries in Alaska… GET NOTIFIED OF NEW VIDEOS –… USE CHAPTER INDEXES ON TIMELINE TO NAVIGATE THE SHOW All my Social Media Links: This show also streams on KUNX Talk Radio –
Now that the Covid scam has faded it is time we discuss some lessons learned. Jaime Allard is a local politician in Alaska and she has written a powerful article that I read and review along with Holly. Do you think the Covid culprits are done playing games?
I am very pleased to have been able to speak with Dr. Salla about my experiences. His line of research is perfect for seeing how the dots of my past connect to the issues of our future. I was nervous going into this interview but hope that we can do
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