Redacted with Clayton Morris

As written on Redacted: Eric Hecker is a whistleblower, who has testified to Congress, under oath about what he saw while working at the South Pole. Yes in Antartica. Hecker is former Navy and defense contractor for Raytheon. While working at the South Pole Eric witnessed some stunning things, including

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A great chat with Anthony of Unidentified-S4

I was told about Anthony by Robert Earl White. He is somebody that is working hard to provide evidence based work into the field of UFO research. I was very happy to be part of his program. This was a great chat with engaging questions. I look forward to talking

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State Of Disclosure

Come join us for this exclusive with whistleblowers Michael Herrera, DC Long, Eric Hecker & disclosure advocate Robert Earl White as we discuss the State Of Disclosure. Michael, DC, Eric & Robert go over their experiences following the Disclosure 2.0 event in Washington DC with Dr. Steven Greer. Also

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3 men and a chat about change!!! This was a hard-hitting conversation about what is wrong with the world around us and the changes that can be made by each of you listening. Do you care to make the world better than you found it? Can you do the things it will take to bring about

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Enquiring minds want to know-So does Riss Flex!!!

Riss Flex is a young lady with great curiosity. In this chat I shared with her some of my experiences from Long Island to South Pole Station as well as the confrontation that occurred at the recent event in Washington D.C. I also gave her my insights on what we

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The Twin Towers of Truth!!! Robert Earl White w/ Eric J. Hecker Folks if you can not handle the truth, this direction may be to tough for you to follow. Robert and I discuss the direction needed for real disclosure to occur. Many will get their feathers ruffled and thin skin wounded. That sucks to be them. I really enjoy Roberts

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Robert Earl White-Order of Light Connecting the dots

This interview came out of nowhere and I was really happy to have met Robert. I think this conversation is probably the most concise conversation incorporating more aspects of my past in one conversation than has happened previously. This really puts my experiences in a nutshell for those that may

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Penny Bradley- Disclosure Disinfo Discussion

Penny Bradley returns to share her understanding of the disclosure community. She gives her insights into the problems with disclosure historically and also some insights to what is going on now. I also spill the beans on an unfortunate gatekeeper from my own experiences that may be a shocker to

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Marina Seren-Unveiling the Vril

I have for quite some time seen that Marina Seren was making the rounds in the SSP circles. She was even part of an event that I was a speaker at also. Recently Marina was accused by somebody that I trust about stealing her stories from others in help groups.

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