“The Zyprexa Papers” author Jim Gottstein shares his thoughts

Alaska lawyer Jim Gottstein, showed Eli Lilly had concealed that its top-selling drug caused diabetes and other life-shortening metabolic problems. The “Zyprexa Papers,” as they came to be known, also showed Eli Lilly was illegally promoting the use of Zyprexa on children and the elderly, with particularly lethal effects. Although

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Facts For Freedom Fighters!!!

Scot Stansbury returns for an in studio chat about what the heck is going on with all this mask business. Here in Alaska there is new legislation being considered that will mandate mask wearing and provide incentives for neighbors to “Rat” on non-compliant citizens. Scot is an OSHA respiratory protection

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“Heart Mind Expressions” with your host Amaria Sweet

Amaria and her guest Glenn Coggeshell discuss his very interesting understanding of Water and how it may be more important than you had previously understood. Glenn is a musician, a carpenter, and a man of God. He also seems to have a love of coffee roasting but that will be

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Uncensored Truth-COVID 9/11

Ryder Lee of Raised by Giants returns to give his “Uncensored Truth” about what he thinks is going on. Folks if you are tired of the games and just want to hear REAL talk about what can be done, then this is the talk for you. The deception is growing

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“Ice” talk with Beyond the Woodline

Joe and Shannon had me on their channel to discuss the mysteries of Antarctica. They are paranormal researchers and I think the conversation was a great chance for them to see into an area most do not get insight to. Some talk about bigfoot as well. That topic is new

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South Pole Station – Slide show – plus Q&A!!!

https://youtu.be/Q_K9zza8Nl0 Recently the folks over at “Watchers Talk” had a massive amount of speakers do an online event covering all kinds of paranormal topics. I was asked to give a presentation about my experiences at the South Pole Station in Antarctica. In this video you will see some great images

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Antarctic secrets revealed w/Rex Bear of The Leak Project(Part 2)

https://youtu.be/_qNveYmNI_4 I was recently on with Rex Bear of The Leak Project and we had quite the chat about Antarctica and what I believe may really be going on with some of the technology. Previously I shared DOM Document – Deciphering My Experience which showed the world that the IceCube Neutrino

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