Silthren returns to share more about his experiences

Sithren returned to speak more about his psychic abilities, parrallel realities and some current events. It was nice to catch up with Silthren and discuss our different perspectives on SSP topics. If anything in the conversation strikes a cord with you, let me know in the comments!!!

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Tony Rodrigues on DecipheringMyExperience…

Tony Rodrigues returns and we had an awesome chat. I asked his thoughts on the intergalactic slave trade, time travel and he even helped me to decipher some of my experiences. I also shared more of my past he was not aware of in regards to SSP. I enjoy chatting

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Behavior modification…change it!!!

With all these folks still wearing masks and doing what they are told, Ryder and I discuss the behavior modifications that got society in this mess. From “Programs” like music and media to MKULTRA and mind fracture, we try to show a history of the problem and to give folks

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Ryder Lee from Raised by Giants returns to chat

Join Ryder and I as we jump right into the conversation with the topic of ritualised trauma. We also chat about things like UFO’s, reverse engineering of the same and even the possibility of a secret place where all the super elite may be residing. I really enjoy Ryder’s perspective

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Masking questions…getting answers!!!

OSHA respiratory protection expert, Scot Stansbury, joins me for a conversation on the efficacy of humans with masks on their faces. Listen to the facts of this in studio conversation and see if you think you should still be masking up!!!

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Waking up to some truths…

Silthren has been on the path of waking up to the possibility that he has SSP experiences. He was abducted around the age of six. He is here today to hopefully help others by sharing. Silthren also has much to say about the current vaccine issue. Having been mostly wheelchair

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Amaria returns and shares…

Amaria returns to tell us about her visit to the 5D conference as well as share her experinces with growing up SSP. Amaria also was kind enough to perform some energy work on me. It is nice to speak to folks freely here!!!

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Same game…different players???

With all the bogus hype about Covid I find it hard to understand how folks can be so ready to bow to the commands of others. Folks, if we do not stop them from dividing us it will only be a matter of time before we become animals on a

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U.F.O. encounter in the U.K.

Darren is an experiencer that has reached out after hearing me on the Leak Project with Rex Bear. We have been sharing some info for a couple of months now. Just the other day Darren emailed me and said it was time to start sharing his experiences. This is the

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