DecipheringMyExperience w/ Stephen Diener!!!
Energy weapons, mass mind control, man made “natural” disasters, these are just some of the things that Eric Hecker says are emanating from a Raytheon
Energy weapons, mass mind control, man made “natural” disasters, these are just some of the things that Eric Hecker says are emanating from a Raytheon
As written on Redacted: Eric Hecker is a whistleblower, who has testified to Congress, under oath about what he saw while working at the South
I was told about Anthony by Robert Earl White. He is somebody that is working hard to provide evidence based work into the field of
Come join us for this Deciphering.tv exclusive with whistleblowers Michael Herrera, DC Long, Eric Hecker & disclosure advocate Robert Earl White as we discuss the
https://www.youtube.com/live/RFhPNzdcqWU?feature=share This was a hard-hitting conversation about what is wrong with the world around us and the changes that can be made by each of
Great conversation with Washington D.C. whistleblower Eric Hecker. He is one of the high level government and corporate whistleblowers willing to testify regarding the UFO/ET
Riss Flex is a young lady with great curiosity. In this chat I shared with her some of my experiences from Long Island to South
For a few years now I have been disclosing REAL facts about what is going on down in Antarctica. Many have ignored what I have
This interview came out of nowhere and I was really happy to have met Robert. I think this conversation is probably the most concise conversation
Penny Bradley returns to share her understanding of the disclosure community. She gives her insights into the problems with disclosure historically and also some insights
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