Uncensored Truth-COVID 9/11

Ryder Lee of Raised by Giants returns to give his “Uncensored Truth” about what he thinks is going on. Folks if you are tired of the games and just want to hear REAL talk about what can be done, then this is the talk for you. The deception is growing by the day. The is a war going on and the battlefield is in the mind!!!

Ryder Lee: Raised By Giants – YouTube



34 Responses

  1. A great chat guys. But OMG about the food we are putting in our mouth contributing towards our brainwashing and enslavement. I never thought about it till now. Knew it was contributing to our poor Heath and foggy mind and thoughts, keeping us Big Pharma customers and to never reach our full potential. But the possibility of the chemicals contributing as transmitters to mind control blew my mind 😲 Hard not to agree with that.

  2. Agreed! Just three minutes in and I’ve been just as fired up, as you. It’s disgusting. And sad that you are right, we are the only country basically staying mum about everything. But damn, that sick indoctrination of CRT, it’s infested majority of the millennial population. And has spilled over in to the other gens around them, but it’s mainly millennials, but we can’t blame them, we raised them. Ya know? But that’s why we simply stay silent. Also, think of the NEW agreement between USA, Britain and Australia. Wonder if that means it’s really an agreement to align their rhetoric with covid. What’s the plan? What do we do? I’ve been posting and commenting on platforms but I’m at a loss, as I don’t have a group to lean on. Blessings. Thank you for speaking and sharing. Much love. 💕

  3. No your not trying to change anybodys mibd. You are only supplying data. That plank paper might be the one thing that woke them up. These are humans you are referrjng to az tree you pompus ass. What if that person waz your kid or hrother right you don’t give ul . Again you only continue to offer info. Yes some most are already gone. But we dpnt make that call. this whole thing can change in a drop of a hat. Sounds to ke like yor mind is as ridged as the one’s who think the opposite. I guess I have more hope and compassion for all humanity then you do. There are many who are scared of being judged on the fence. I know whole familys who have not taken the jab but act as if thay did to fit in enough said. Bottom line, if there is 1 soul who needs that extra support then I am there

    1. I understand your position. You are looking to provode aid in the battlefield to those that are not up for the fight at the moment. I am looking to support those that are not so handicapped. I support you having the freedom to decide how you choose to apply your energy. I hope you feel the same way???

    1. No “virus” has ever been isolated or proven to exist. There is much information about this for those who care to learn.

  4. I was a healthy 70 year old when my daughter came home from New York City in January’21. She got mildly sick along with my wife. I got it bad. I’ve have the flu before and always got a flu shot ! This was not the same . I was bed ridden for 3 weeks and lost 20 lbs and I was not overweight! Nothing helped ! Finally it broke somewhat after 3 weeks but I was exhausted for 3 more weeks . No vaccine as they weren’t out yet . I believe the Chinese made it in a lab and the deep state blew up the lab and it got out ! I’m not on board with the vaccine but one thing for sure I was sicker than I have ever been !

  5. I am 70 years young, and I have watched this craziness and these are a few observations. I believe most people are asleep, and are so used to having those in power tell them what to do that they don’t want to think for themselves. They want to be told, they are part of the herd.

    In college I took Microbiology for a while, however I did drop that class because I had not been in school for 15 years and was carrying 21 hours. I literally could not do that many hours.
    One of the things I learned in that class is that human beings have to be in a specific state before they can become ill. We have to be in a compromised physical state in order to become ill. Our best defense is to be as physically healthy, and (of course mentally and emotionally as well), to be physically active, to get fresh air, and sunshine when we can. I take one prescription medication which is for underactive thyroid.
    I am a firm believer in herbal teas and herbal remedies. People, if you take the time to do your own research, and certainly research multiple sites online. Find out what might work for conditions you might have. Being knowledgeable is power.
    Social websites like Facebook, Twitter, etc., are going to follow the narrative of the media powers want them to follow.

    I have never had a pneumonia shot, nor a flu shot and have not had any “booster” inoculations an years and years. Nor (obviously) have I had any vaccine for Covid 19. I feel that taking the vaccine is equal to putting one bullet in a gun, spinning the cylinder, then putting the gun to your head and pulling the trigger over and over again. Eventually you will lose. Just my personal belief.

    Be safe, be well, be informed, be aware, and use your brain and mind.
    By the way I have not watched news since the 2nd Gulf War. Find a book about Propaganda by Edward Bernays. He was Sigmund Freud’s nephew. Wake the hell up, people!

    1. “One of the things I learned in that class is” …. Yes, it is emotions and fear is to open the gates to infections.
      Learn about emotions and how they are stacked in a scale from serene down to death via fear close to the bottom.
      Science of survival (PDF) is a good tool.
      In other words: No fear, no infections!!

  6. I’ve been trying to wake up my friends and family, but they have made up their minds. They won’t believe me. So I try to remember how I feel when someone try’s to tell me something I don’t believe. We’ve made our bed, I just hope it’s comfy. I’m not sure the inserts are going to list graphene oxides, if they are even in there. We must resist. But if they’ve taken the vaccine, it’s too late. Now we need to make sure we don’t let anyone else succumb to the pressures. Most of my family have taken the vaccine 2 because they were scared one because that’s what she always does and one because he wanted to get it before they made it mandatory. I really hope they can reverse these vaccines before the zombie apocalypse comes and I have to bury them all. I sincerely hope they use those energy weapons for good for a change.

  7. Thank you so much guys, thoroughly enjoyed watching this vid from New Zealand. I´m super impressed with Eric, hearing his views and concepts on everything truly aligns with my feelings about it all and the funny conclusion i found myself arriving at was basically… ¨okay so, with what we have.. what do we do now?? lol

  8. Learn about the emotional frequency scale! and see how the population has been push from satisfied down to fear. It is like electrical and can be threaded simple. Think the electrical capacitor and can be discharged in second with EFT. The emotional push down is the key, how they do it.
    It is the first time in history people vaccinated are afraid after being jabbed. It is a matter of emotions and emotions are frequencies.

  9. The vaccine is more dangerous than the virus. Everything has been planned you look at SADS, sudden adult death syndrome. This is a power grab, your right. You can’t trust anything coming out of main stream.

  10. you are seeing this bio-weapon in process. Yet no one is standing up.I told everyone I knew don’t take it. No one listened they called me a conspiracy theorist .

    1. No “virus” has been isolated or proven to exist. There is much information about this for those who care to learn. The lab leak “bio-weapon” lie is just another psyop that has caught on with people who do not understand how the body works. There are toxins and chemicals that can harm you but there are no contagions in nature. They can manipulate the perception of people who have not done any research and make them believe whatever they want. People have been conditioned for a long time to believe that they get symptoms because of some invisible boogeyman when it is for the most part their diet and lifestyle that is the cause. We are being bombarded from the skies and exposed to manmade EMFs too The water and food is being poisoned. All pharmceutical products, toxic cleaning products, and toxic personal care products need to be eliminates or at least decreased as much as possible.

  11. This Ryder guy’s information is lacking! People need to comprehend, the virus was made to further enslave us via nanotech. They are A species that are have an AI god, they’ll push the transhuman agenda! Postmaster-General:Russel. Says Elons backers want to chip everyone! There is no plan of hero’s, that’s to bench you from doing anything to defend yourself. You can’t change their minds. These soul less hive minds will fight you to protect this system. Because that’s all they know! This guys slow mannerisms and train of thought it tough to listen too! Govern yourself or be governed. Elections have been vacated for Fraud since the slick willie days of 99’… plant seeds? Bro! You sound vaccinated. Everywhere else is rising up except the US inc and Canada! Get your mind right, you can’t save anyone else but yourself… people will be coming door to door to force this product! We’re all lost at sea… derelict vessels.

    1. No “virus” has been isolated or proven to exist. There is much information about this for those who care to learn. The lab leak lie is just another psyop that has caught on with people who do not understand how the body works. There are toxins and chemicals that can harm you but there are no contagions in nature.

  12. No “virus” has been isolated or proven to exist. A “virus” is the cover story for what is really going on. For example, polio was chemical poisoning from DDT, Paris Green, and Lead Arsinate, not a “virus.” There is much information about this and this history behind it for those who want to learn. Colds and flu detox symptoms. The allopathic/germ hypothesis believers invert cause and effect. I recommend anyone unfamiliar with the contagion lie read What Really Makes You Ill by Dawn Lester and David Parker for a start. Another one that focuses more on the EMF issue is The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg.

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