DecipheringMyExperience w/ Doc Skinner of 1028 Productions

Doc Skinner works with many in the disclosure circles and is the founder of Disclosure Con. This was our first time speaking and he had plenty of questions. I really enjoyed this talk and look forward to talking with Doc again.


7 Responses

  1. At 16:15 Yea, for goodness sakes I’ll share my experiences. In November 2019, for the first time in my life, I had the flu. I didn’t know what it was, but it sure made me feel so tired, and my body felt like it was 50 pounds of rock heavier, because it was hard to move, and I had to spend much of a whole week laying and sleeping on the couch, while I was suppose to be doing my work. That was when I realized after they spilled the poison, I mean news, about that dizeaze that they invented and had just unrolled itself out on the red carpet to the terrified crowds. I thought to myself, what? I just had experienced it. I wondered what that smell was, in the air, when I went for a walk to the market around the end of October, and then in the beginning of November I got that strange flu.

    Well, I’ll skip all the other stories I have, right now, and focus in on a very scary one. I have done my research on Mind Control, and know what’s going on, in more ways than one. And recently, about two weeks ago, I had been communicating with people on a forum. One person, known by himself to have an alien chip in his head, started pestering me, and seemed totally ignorant of what he was saying. He was in the wrong, and I knew it, and anyone with any sanity could see he didn’t make any sense. I fixed the situation with him, personally, but there was another person who I had admired and thought they were very intelligent. But during our little spat, that other person and I, that other person now, was wondering what that was all about. I took the time to explain and describe it to him, and I was very respectful with him, because he has always shown the same to others. And in describing to him what had occurred, I also was finished having a spat with the other guy, so everything was described as “has happened, is done.”
    Now the strangest thing was….after that entire incident, it seems that something went really wrong in that guys head. A day later he was trying to figure out why I was so angry at him, the guy that I respected, and why I was knocking him down. THAT is FREAKY. He totally did not hear or see the message I had written. His entire mind was diverted into a fantasy world of alien proportion, that was not even on a level of the present reality. I was so surprised, I decided not to bother straightening it out because I knew then that I was not dealing with the individual, but with forces behind his behavior.

  2. At 21:45 Wouldn’t the ice act like a bell, and ring the energy frequencies off of it? Besides the clarity in the air of those environments.

  3. At 1:35:23 I have just resumed listening as I write, and just as you said that, I was re-writing something that you might find interesting. The key word being “interstellar communications.”

    Back in Atlantis times, the Anunnaki were really busy, but so were the Drakonians. Here’s an excerpt:

    “The Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid is part of the major interstellar Photosonic Communications system of Earth, the Nibiruian Crystal Temple Network controlled by way of artificial Nibiruian Electrostatic Transduction field technology.”

    And: “The Anunnaki races of Nibiru, Pleiades-Alcyone, SiriusA, Andromeda, AlphaAndOmegaCentauri, Arcturus, and Orion had progressively gained a stronghold on Earth through the 25,500 B.C. installation of the Nibiruian Electrostatic Transduction and Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid at Stonehenge. Since the 9,558 B.C. Anunnaki-orchestrated “Atlantean Flood” drama and “Planetary Housecleaning” [removal of historical records, and planting of false historical evidence], the major interstellar Photosonic Communications system of Earth; the Nibiruian Crystal Temple Network was Anunnaki controlled via the NET (NibiruianElectrostaticTransductionField), making Emerald Covenant Guardian race communication with Human populations, progressively more difficult.”

    It’s from the chapter/section “1972 Phoenix Rising”
    From the book “Eternal Humans and the Finite gods” (3rdEdition) by Theresa Talea.

    Do you understand any of that type of technology?

  4. And at 1:37:50, I have seen spaceships, flying saucers, whatever, coming from the West toward me in the night sky, a few times, when I was observing. And I wondered about that. I was wondering if there was an opening on the West side for them that is thinner and makes it easier for them to come through. Then, quite a few years later when I was doing some research, I heard other people say that they also see the UFOs coming from the West into the planet’s environment. Maybe you can take a look at that as well.

    1. Good morning Belialith. I am happy this video struck so many cords. I am just getting some tea in me and right now my brain is still waking up. I get what you are saying. A lot of us need to share more of what we know!!!

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