Antarctic secrets revealed w/Rex Bear of The Leak Project(Part 1)

I was recently on with Rex Bear of The Leak Project and we had quite the chat about Antarctica and what I believe may really be going on with some of the technology. Previously I shared DOM Document – Deciphering My Experience which showed the world that the IceCube Neutrino Detector does more than just receive. It has the ability to transmit. So now I am sharing one of the transmission functions that is may also be put to task on. The South Pole Station appears to be a functioning Space Communications Station by means of a Torsion Field Generator.

Torsion Field and Interstellar Communication – Deciphering My Experience

Check out all of Rex’s links in the decsription of this video on YouTube


9 Responses

  1. At 10:27 of the video. It probably has something to do with that the energy comes IN from the TOP of the pole, which you can compare it to our body, as the head of the body. And the South pole would be where all the energy would move toward, downward from the top. I’m not sure exactly at this time how the energy would circulate on this planet, because of the false science of the invaders, their death science technology which involves the fibonacci and vesica piscis systems, meaning systems that are compressed because they only have a certain amount of energy, since the vampire negative entities have cut the structure off from receiving the Original Creator’s energies which keep everything alive, and function in a specific way. The vampiric entities cut a system off from that Natural way, and they implant their fibonacci fractalized system and the vesica piscis half dead system which sucks on its own energy without it being replenished, therefore it’s a death science system, since it only has so much energy left to suck on before it turns to spacedust.

    Therefore, I haven’t figured out yet what the circulation system would be here, on this planet, since they had put their death science here as well as throughout the solar system and elsewhere in the galaxy. But we have to know the Natural way so that we can return to it, and remove their death science technologies. There’s a book by Theresa Talea (3rd edition) “Eternal Humans and the Finite gods” where her mother and her both found the Original Creator and began communicating with them, they are All That Is, The Pure Essence and Eia. It gave her a description of itself and how it came out into expression, and it has the ‘number’ “8” next to each sentence. And I know from magical symbology that this is the symbol of infinity. And therefore, when the All That Is, The Pure Essence first came out, then it shortly afterwards that it made connection with Eia. I call the ATI,TPE he, and I call Eia she, because the ATI,TPE has a grand and fine mind, and Eia has the ability to take all of his thoughts and desires and bring them into existence. So it’s like a Male and a Female. The female shares with the male and gives birth to their together creations. The ATI,TPE said that Eia is super powerful too, meaning, she’s the real creator, is what he says. But without him, there wouldn’t be any creation. So you see? They work together, in that symbol of “8”. Therefore, when they began creation, everything was given life through them. And the beings that had no physical form in the beginning, built templates of light, that eventually matter was placed onto and built up, so the foundation is light. And that life giving energy from ATI,TPE and Eia goes through those template structures and fills the whole creation with the light energy they need to stay alive. This is a very very simplistic description. Reading the book will help expand your insights. So anyway, the evil oriented forces which again, are service only to their little selves, that become a big blob of selfish selves that then attack and take over others, because they have given up their eternity, their infinity, and have become selfish entities who won’t make an effort to work with others, but because they will die without receiving the energy from the ATI,TPE and Eia, they have resorted to attacking others to steal the life force energy from them. And how they have been doing this is by attacking planets in different galaxies, and will eventually take over an entire galaxy if the beings in that structure aren’t careful enough to protect themselves from them. So, that is why the planet Earth does not function the way it is suppose to. They have a long time ago messed with our Earth, and now it’s semi-phantom, and therefore it is not a straight planet where it is aligned with the North Pole so that the energy can come into it and flow through it, but it is busted at an angle, crippled by the wars, and the death science technology….so go figure huh? Is it easier to take off from the environment in the South Pole because of the wreckage done to this planet? Or is it that it is still a More Natural than a phantom planet (semi-phantom) so that the energy structure is still intact, from North to South Pole, and that’s why the vehicles find it easier to lift off from the South than the North. (question mark).

    1. Hello, Belialith. Someone told me about your post, and I wanted to see what was written. First, I want to thank you for sharing something about my book.

      I want to briefly clarify, though, that there is no numerology associated with very early eternal energies, especially the pure essence before creation, which is titled All That Is, The Pure Essence (I explain what it is exactly–it is not a “oneness” ideology). The All That Is, The Pure Essence is also not a creator, and it definitely does not have creational elements and attributes such as any male or female. It is a pure conscious essence without form, and Eia is an expanded energy having its own eternal essence that is not male or female, nor powerful like the harsh energies we experience.

      I really do hope that people will read the detailed explanations in my large book, the updated 2021 third edition of Eternal Humans and the Finite Gods, to see how removed early eternal energies really are from religious and New Age interpretations and ideologies. Thank you.

  2. And at 13:40 that is another very important phrase to me, “Phased Array.” “But this phased array, it’s powering up in a way…but not the way that we are thinking…”

    I was trying to understand what it means, “Phase Shift,” when I heard Peter the Insider from the Jessica Arael Marrocco video on youtube talking about it. It’s important for us to know about this, because it also involves our own personal body and how we can protect ourselves from the negative forces that are trying to destroy us. Here’s the video. I cued it up to where he starts talking about this, at 29:22. Perhaps we can all learn together in hyperspace as we focus our minds on it together, through one another, and therefore have this to be instantly manifested in our physically oriented personality mind complex, instead of being totally ignorant of the fact that we have a natural already ‘telepathic’ (deeper than that) system throughout our evolvement.

    This “Energy” subject, and how it truly works, is one of the most important things we need in the present time, during this ascension that apparently ends in 2022, and is exactly why the negative forces are trying to prevent it from happening just like they did back in Atlantis, which is why we have been stuck here, and were not ascending, but were having to be re-incarnated continuously until we could finally get to this ascension period which started in 2012 and ends in 2022, from what I’ve learned. But there’s more to it. Because the Bourgha, a negative race of beings who control many other negative entities, have used their death science technologies against the Earth, and when the Krysthal River Host protected us from being invaded, their attempts were reversed and sent back to their place which destroyed many of their matrices, but the stress of the powerful energies that were used at that time, in 2007, had affected our Sun, and therefore it stopped communicating with its anti-force self, and hence it went into ascension with the Earth as well. So, it’s not in a death throw, it’s in ascension. But you can say that after it ascends, which will be I don’t know how many hundreds? thousands? of years, I’m still studying Theresa Talea’s book, but the point is, that this may be our last ascension, and that’s why that 2022 mark is the same, BUT…. it will continue until everyone is out of here or out of danger of fall into spacedust.

    Crazy stuff, you know? But better than fiction.

    1. I just want to comment on what I said earlier, about “studying” a book. I meant that I have to personally understand from what all that I have learned, and what is inside of me, what this book is relaying out to me. I am studying it from that point of view, and this has nothing to do with “learning the lines by heart” such as an actor would do. It is not about accumulating knowledge for the sake of filling the mind with “things.” It is about comprehension, and knowing what that knowledge given, is actually saying. And that take intuition, as well as many other aspects of one’s self.

  3. So at 15:00 of the video where you talk about transfering FROM Hertzian wavelengths TO Tesla-talk scalar or longitudinal… what does is that comprised of? Is Hertzian wavelength the physical surrounding structure, is it such as magnetism? and is longitudinal wavelength such as tall, long, up and down style, into the sky and back type of structure, an electrical style? So would that be like a communication between the feminine (magnetic) to the masculine (electrical) in a coarse sense? Geez this is so complex.

    1. It is super complex. Hertzian is just one of many wavelengths. Transformation of energy happens in so many different ways. Tesla was trying to remove our blinders. There are many paths!!!

  4. I have really enjoyed your content. I have learned a great deal from your publications, as well. I Thankyou for showing the possible complete destruction of Teslas’ understanding of the paths, by BIG GOVERNMENT. We need to retrieve all of his information and bring this world into a more stable environment. Using our personal magnetism to benefit our health and wellbeing. Trust fall?

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