URGENT message for truth-seekers!!!

All it takes for bad people to win is for good people to do nothing…

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure…

Check out this video for information on how good people can work together to prevent bad people from winning!




8 Responses

  1. I remember you saying in one of the interviews you did, that the whole so called “standard model” needs redoing .

    I’ve always had an issue with how most scientists think an atom works myself.

    I believe the atom is a black hole. As does Nassim Haramein and Salvatore Pais.

    I’m curious about what you meant by your statement and I’m also curious about whether you think that a craft can create a space time bubble around itself without needing huge amounts of energy.

    Currently as far as I understand it, a craft would need a minimum amount of energy in order to break the so called schwinger limit, which requires 10^33 watts/M2…which is a lot of power.

    What are your thoughts?

    1. I simply meant we need to throw out all we think we know and start over. Too much has been built up on poor foundational information. Take all you think you know about energy and limits and throw that out fast too!

      1. Hi Eric
        My understanding of what you’re saying is not to rely so heavily on belief. So much which passes for normality and reality isn’t really scrutinised. We are taught to socially and culturally conform.

        The problem for many is they face a type 1 civilisation living amongst us.

        A question that I don’t believe anyone asked you Eric is why haven’t that type 1 civilisation not left? Why do they remain with us?

        1. Your understanding is very wrong and you changing the subject to type 1 whatever is an unneeded distraction. The point is to scrutinize those that are providing the info.

  2. Thank you for speaking out.
    Trying to find where to sign up for deciphering tv?
    I’m not seeing it.

  3. I am not interested in disclosure,that happened years ago. I am more into disclosure exposing the truths and those responsible for withholding the truths.

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