The Twin Towers of Truth!!! Robert Earl White w/ Eric J. Hecker
Folks if you can not handle the truth, this direction may be to tough for you to follow. Robert and I discuss the direction needed for real disclosure to occur. Many will get their feathers ruffled and thin skin wounded. That sucks to be them. I really enjoy Roberts zeal for facts. Understand that we are NOT against the ideas of what is really going on out there. We are just teaming up against all the TOTAL bullshit being passed off as truth and gobbled up by a less than discerning public. Things need to change and we are on a mission to help bring that change fast!!!

You must challenge the con artists to deliver more than their “beliefs”!!!

Sharing IS caring!!! Be well!!!



9 Responses

  1. I support you guys fully! I loved it! Thank you for speaking about discernment, I need to be aware. I’ll share, support, keeping the light and truth. Thank you!

  2. Ok, completed T-shirt idea: black T, front left breast refracted light circle with a warrior silhouette, text around circle “Full Spectrum Fighter” and on the back black gloss text “Black Weapons Matter!”

    If you can retail them for less than $20, I’ll be really impressed.

  3. Beware, this information you freely give comes at a price. The beings they serve are of old and Have abilities that far exceeds that of “Superman”. The “gods” of ancient cultures are to return to the surface under the Umbrella term “aliens” for mankind to once again be deceived. all Glory to The almighty God.

    1. Sir, it’s my belief, that we are All created. By the Creator. And that we have always. Been watched over. By Higher Intelligence. ♾️

  4. I remember listening to a video done by Walter Bosley a few years ago; he said that his father when he had been in the military had been assigned to spend time in Antarctica. The main thing that Walter Bosley remembers that his father told him was that the military had discovered “ancient machinery” embedded in the ice and that discovery had really frightened his father. If this is so, could Ice Cube have been built upon this ancient machinery (i.e., the “energy source” that existed before the treaty was signed).

  5. Eric, I really appreciated your short but not so sweet replies to the comments that do not agree with you and your information. I can imagine your frustrations.

    1. I try to treat people in the way they deserve to be treated. I have many trying to slow my roll. Thanks for noticing and for supporting my intentions. Be well!!!

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