Nothing in This Video is True, But It’s Exactly How Things Are

James Olivia has done a very deep dive into the information I have shared publicly. He has begun to connect the dots in ways that many others have up to now not been able to pull off. I went to Brooklyn, NY to meet James and to have some very serious conversations about what is really going on contemporarily in regard to the high tech that exists and why the wholly corrupted “disclosure commodities” community puts more effort into spreading misinformation and disinformation than providing “We the People” with any verifiable actionable intelligence.

During my one week visit to Brooklyn with James we had this sit-down interview. We also drove to many of the places on Long Island from my past. I discussed with James the relevance of these locations to what is going on now regarding the topic of UFO’s, the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), and recent government hearings. Originally James was going to incorporate that footage into this video. But what we both realized was that we had stumbled onto something that was even bigger than we both had presumed. James decided to take that footage to put towards a more specific video about the history of Long Island as a hub for the United States MIC and the apparent German connection that predates the influx of Operation Paperclip personnel.

Many may know that the Wright Brothers were credited with taking to the air in North Carolina and that the states motto is “First in Flight”. But how many of you knew that Long Island was referred to as “The Cradle of Aviation”?

The depth and breadth on this issue is massive. The dots that need connecting and many. James Olivia has decided to take up the mantle of this monumental task and I thank him for that. Please take a look at this video. Subscribe to his YouTube page. But most importantly, keep your eyes peeled for when he drops his video about the Long Island connections!!!




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